Hello and Welcome to the Shaffer GT Parent Resource page!
Below, you'll find information on:
• Shaffer Support for GT Families
• Contacts & Resource Links for GT Families
• Definitions of Common GT terms
Questions? - Please email your Shaffer Principal, Mr. Brasher ([email protected]), or your Shaffer GT Parent Ambassador, Katie Price ([email protected])
At Shaffer, we host a number of events and meetups throughout the school year geared toward the raising and development of gifted students. The "Shaffer GT Parent Community" Facebook page always has the most current information. "Like" and "Follow" us at:
> https://www.facebook.com/ShafferGT/
Jeffco Public Schools and JAGC also host a number of GT parent seminars and camps throughout the year. Check out their parent page for more information:
> http://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/programs/gifted_talented/parent_resources/
> Shaffer GT Contacts:
- Shaffer Principal: Jeremy Brasher ([email protected])
- GT Parent Ambassador: Marnie DesMarteau ([email protected])
- GT Resource Teacher: Dr. Penelope Heinigk ([email protected])
- Jeffco GT Department: [email protected] OR 303-982-6650
> Shaffer GT on Facebook - Be sure to Like AND Follow:
> Jeffco Public Schools GT Department:
> JAGC (Jefferson County Associate for Gifted Children):
> SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted):
> Hoagies Gifted Discussion Group:
> Understood.org (A great resource for any parent, especially those of gifted children with disabilities.)
> 2e Newsletter (Twice-Exceptional):
> 2E: Twice-exceptional. Traditionally defined as a student who has both an ALP (for a relative strength) and a 504 Plan or IEP (for a relative impairment or disability).
> 504 Plan: Students with disabilities are protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("this is part of the federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against public school students with disabilities...including students with learning and attention issues who meet certain criteria." 1). A 504 pan is typically generated as the result of a diagnosis by a medical or mental-health professional and provides for specific accommodations to facilitate the learning and development of a child with an identified impairment.
> ALP: Advanced Learning Plan. A document (mandated under Colorado Law) which is created for a student who qualifies under a specific GT Pathway. A student qualifying for an ALP may or may not be identified as Gifted. This document typically contains one or more goals in an identified strength area and is created each academic year in partnership between the teacher(s), parent(s), and student (as age-appropriate).
> CogAT: Cognitive Abilities Test. An intellectual abilities test, given in October to all Jeffco 2nd graders. The results provide schools and parents with specific data on a student's relative strengths and weaknesses, as well as specific tips to help in the education and development of that particular student. The results can be used to identify giftedness, as well as the need for additional or special education for the student. The CogAT is also used as part of the Jeffco Gifted Centers Application Process and is administered two times per year. For more information on the CogAT and how it is used in Jeffco, please refer to: http://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/programs/gifted_talented/gt_identification/assessments___body_of_evidence/ (under "Universal Screenings" heading).
> GT: Gifted and Talented. "'Gifted and talented children' are those learners between the ages of four and eighteen whose abilities, talents, and/or potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs...
Gifted students include students with disabilities (i.e. twice-exceptional) and students with exceptional abilities or potential from all socio-economic and cultural populations. Gifted students are capable of high performance, extraordinary production, or exceptional learning behavior by virtue of any or a combination of these areas of giftedness." 2
> GT Ambassador: A parent volunteer under JAGC. The GT Ambassador works closely with Principal Brasher to share information and provide resources to families seeking to learn more about or advocate for their child(ren)'s needs. The GT Ambassador also serves as a direct resource for Shaffer parents/guardians. * Marnie DesMarteau ([email protected]) is Shaffer's GT Parent Ambassador for 2018-19.
> GT Pathways: There are four "pathways," through which a student can be identified as gifted or qualifying for an ALP. Pathways are based on a body of evidence collected over a period of time (typically three data points from cognitive or standardized tests, as well as teacher input), within which the evidence demonstrates consistent achievement at or above the 95th percentile in one or more areas.
> GT Resource Teacher: A staff member of the Jeffco Public Schools GT (Gifted and Talented) Department, which is assigned to support our school. This person serves as a resource for parents and school professionals on GT education and the social-emotional development of gifted children. * Dr. Penelope Heinigk ([email protected]) is Shaffer's GT Resource Teacher for 2018-19.
> IEP: Individualized Education Program:
"A federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that public schools create an IEP for every child receiving special education services. Kids from age 3 through high school graduation or a maximum age of 22 (whichever comes first) may be eligible for an IEP.
The IEP is meant to address each child’s unique learning issues and include specific educational goals. It is a legally binding document. The school must provide everything it promises in the IEP." 3
> JAGC: Jefferson County Association for Gifted Children (jeffcogifted.org): an independent, non-profit organization which partners closely with Jeffco's GT department and Jeffco schools to develop and provide programming, resources, and advocacy for families of "GT" students. This is the local arm of CAGT (Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented, coloradogifted.org) and NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children, nagc.org).
1 Stanberry, Kristin. “Understanding 504 Plans.” Understood.org, UNDERSTOOD.ORG USA LLC, 10 Oct. 2017, www.understood.org/en/school-learning/special-services/504-plan/understanding-504-plans.
2 Jefferson Country Gifted & Talented Department. "9-13-17 GT Parent Info Night." jeffcopublicschools.org, 13 Sep 2017, http://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_627881/File/Jeffco%20PS/Programs/Gifted%20and%20Talented/9-13-17%20GT%20Parent%20Info%20Night.pdf
3 Stanberry, Kristin. “Understanding Individualized Education Programs.” Understood.org, UNDERSTOOD.ORG USA LLC., 10 Oct. 2017, www.understood.org/en/school-learning/special-services/ieps/understanding-individualized-education-programs