Action Teams
Shaffer has four action teams that serve to discuss, decide and implement ideas and structures where everyone can share his or her genius and voice.
Student Lighthouse Team
Big Rocks
Engaging Assemblies
Coordinating Shaffer Showcase
Faciitating a Veteran's Day Project
Leading Shaffer Loves Day Event
Academic Action Team
Big Rocks
MTSS model defined and referred to for goal suppert
Implementation of new math resource
Learn and deliver new benchmark assessment to determine small group targeted support
Academic WIGS/Trackers/Student Led Conferences/Leadership Notebooks
Culture Action Team
Big Rocks
Continued Refinement of Check in/Check out systems and identification
P&I Manual
Social Emotional School Wide Adult WIG
Belonging survey
Leadership Action Team
Big Rocks
Expand Idea of Students Teaching Students
Continue working on Home to School Connection